Created and maintained to provide scholarships for every graduating student in Mitchell, SD who wishes to continue education beyond high school.

What we do?

Thank you to all who have donated!

Together we have provided more than 3,200 awards since 2001!

Planning to go to a

college or university?

Planning to go to

a technical college?

Looking for something different?

Once you have completed 12 college credits, you are eligible to claim your scholarship. Simply complete the claim form and send it in along with a copy of your transcript. Your scholarship will be sent to the financial office of your school to be applied to your account.

The same requirements apply to technical colleges and schools. Send in your claim with a transcript showing 12 completed credits. Your scholarship will be sent to the finance office of your school to be applied to your account.

Looking for a different type of education? We've helped fund beauty school, truck driving school, farrier school, real estate school . . . . Let us know your interest and we'll work with you to help pay for it.

Where can I use my scholarship?

Founded in 2001, MCSF is a nonprofit dedicated to funding scholarships for all Mitchell High School and Mitchell Christian School graduates.

Donations are tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations

100% of donations go to funding scholarships

No fiscal relationship with the Mitchell School District or Mitchell Christian School

The fund is directed by a volunteer board

Who We Are